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Live in
resort style

This last phase is the definitive chance to be able to enjoy our homes in Serena Village, because it marks the end of construction. There are several green areas, 24/7 security, swimming pools, recreation areas, economic profitability and, in the last phase, more refined architecture.

We invite you to stay and welcome you to this new way of living. Live in resort style with Serena Village.

Are you staying?

at Serena

Sello Confotur
Confotour Seal
Unidades registradas 
con título de propiedad
Units registered with ownership title
Seguridad 24h / 7 días
24h / 7 day security
Ubicación privilegiada
Privileged location
10 piscinas
11 swimming pools
Instalaciones deportivas
Sports facilities
Posibilidad de
paquete mobiliario
Furniture package available
Ciclovía privada
Private bike path
Senderos peatonales con
perímetro de seguridad
Walking trails with security perimeter
Zona de parrillas
Grill area
Gazebos y áreas verdes
Gazebos and green areas

Units available

Check the available units